Time Machine

This is a post about K Pop, so stay away if you do not want to read anything related to K Pop LOL.

I believed that I have grown up from the ultimate fangirl phase, since I started to pay more attention to my real life than my fangirling on Twitter. I used to fangirl 24/7 on Twitter and even following updates on my favorite group's whereabouts, what they wear at the airport, you know, stuff like that.

Once, I even went to the airport to see EXO's arrival and that was the first time I have ever done that in my whole fangirling life haha. The experience was surreal, but if you ask me now, I feel really, really, embarrassed with myself back then.

And it was only 2 years ago.

It started last year, I think? When I started to focus more on my studies (since I had STPM last year), real life friends, and real life stuff rather than spending time replying tweets from my online friends on Twitter and fangirling over EXO or Big Bang. Started from that time, I felt like focusing on real life matters is more satisfying than going online all the time and fangirling over what my favorite EXO member is doing and stuff.

That's when I realized that I have grown up.

But then, this does not mean I left my fangirling life completely LOL I still listen to new releases and download the songs if I really like the songs. It's just.... my way of supporting my favorite groups has changed over the years. I buy albums rather than tweeting around 24/7 to show my support like before, plus buying their albums also worth the money if the songs are good.

With all the hassle of going to interviews (the UM one got me crying but that will be on another post) from the beginning of this month, I did a throwback on videos that got me into my favorite groups like EXO, Big Bang and 2NE1, and wow, I felt like the teenager me again.

Can you believe me if I say that I watched to EXO's 'MAMA' music video and instantly felt like the 17-year-old me once again?

But really, watching those old videos felt like I was going through a time machine and all the memories I had during certain years instantly came back to me like it just happened yesterday, or last week, when the reality is that it happened 3 to 5 years ago.

Really, watching old videos do have some kind of healing effect. It makes me relaxed a little bit; I reminded myself that I should not be tense all the time and loosen up just like I did when I was 16 to 17.

I'm sharing with you guys one of the videos that made me feel like I'm 17 all over again. It's an EXO teaser released 3 years ago, and this one is my bias's teaser.

((To think that he is currently not promoting with EXO is sad though))

Until then, goodbye!


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