Interview: UiTM Mass Communication 2015

   Here I am again with another post on an interview experience on ((yes, again)) Mass Communication course. This time, I got an interview in UiTM Shah Alam and needless to say, I was relieved because the campus was so close to my house and I don't need to wake up at 5 A.M. like I did when I went to the USM interview. -__-

 The interview was on a Saturday, means less traffic jams and my dad doesn't have to take another leave from his school like last week LOL I actually pitied my dad a lot for having to take a leave every time I had an interview (I got another interview on 27th May for UM but I will talk about it in another post).

We then started our journey to the UiTM campus around 7 A.M and the roads were clear and made our journey a breezy one; before we entered the campus.

Let me tell you, the campus was HELLA JAMMED with all these cars that I think belong mostly to the students and also the parents of the people who got an interview there because the interviews for all the courses are being held at the same day. And we also had problems of finding the MassComm faculty since it was so 'tersorok' I don't even realized it was there until I asked one of the guards there hahaha.

I stepped out of the car and walked to the faculty that was situated at some hill and my feet were in pain (because I wore high heels LOL padan muka). To add to my misery (misery lah sangat -..-), I arrived at the front door of the faculty just to find out that all the candidates have to wait under the huge tent for the registration counter to open. Not only that, the girls I saw were all so... BEYOND GORGEOUS like OH MY GOD I legit felt like I was in some singing audition instead of a university interview hahaha lucky that I wore something quite decent and put a little more that my usual make-up look so I don't feel quite out of place there.

After I met up with my friend (the same friend at the USM interview), we discussed about the information we found on the internet and compliment some of the gorgeous girls we saw LMAO we don't have time to gossip around because we don't even know any of these girls to begin with.

The guys? I don't think I seen any handsome or cute ones at the interview as far as I can remember, or maybe my taste is too high, (I think my biases like Tao and Daesung are average-looking so maybe it's not my taste but I don't know.)

At around 9 A.M., the registration finally started and we have to line up according to our initials. After confirming our name and stuff, we have to go to another counter and took a paper that had our panel and number on it. Mine was Panel 3 and number 8, which means I was the 8th candidate in the 3rd Panel. Then, we went upstairs to the 3rd Floor to take the written test.

The question for the written test was: ''What is your opinion on Mass Media in Malaysia?" in 250 words. Then, we have to put a number from 1-8 of our most desirable major; from Journalism, PR, Advertising, Publishing, etc. There was also a space for the panels to write under it, which is the courses that they felt would suit us. They also told us beforehand that we might not get the course we wanted because of limited places so we just nodded away in acknowledgement.

After the test had finished, a few lecturers (or staffs, I'm not quite sure) came inside the room and called out for the number of panels and brought the candidates away to their respective waiting rooms. The pattern continued until my panel number was called and we were brought to a lecture room to wait for our turns.

The waiting was a torture, really. Let me tell you guys something; I actually did not intend to do my best in this interview because I felt like if I did my best and the lecturer say something positive to me, my chance of getting any uni offer for business courses will absolutely gone away. I still have passion for business and Economics thingy (heck, I love those subjects), so I was trying to avoid myself from getting this course or my chance of getting Business course will go down to zero because mind you, this is UPU system; where you will only get ONE offer from all 8 courses you chose (doesn't matter which universities).

After a long wait, my number was finally being called. The akak who sat beside me wished me luck and I returned back her wishes because she would be interviewed after me LOL.

I stepped to the room and I readied my IC and my files before giving it to the staff inside. You have to inform the staff that you have the original documents along with the copied ones inside the files (if you put them together in one file like me) and then sit once the panel asked you to sit.

The lecturer who interviewed me was a woman, and she was quite friendly; seeing as she tried to make me feel comfortable after I told her that I was quite nervous by asking me questions about my personal life, like where am I from, how many siblings I have, my parent's job and stuff like that.

As a matter of fact, I didn't prepared anything (the main reason on why I was a nervewreck inside the room; not to mention the fact that I am being interviewed alone unlike in USM interview), so I was stuttering all the way, except when I told her about why I wanted to major in PR.

Mainly the questions that an interviewee would ask in any interviews are:

1. Introduce yourself. (Tell them your personal details, but not anything too personal LOL and maybe add a little bit something about yourself to relate to the course you want.)

2. Why do you want to take this course/ major in this course?

3. Current issues (She asked me on my opinion on the Rohingya issue since it was the latest one)

4. Convince me why should I take you to be our student?

Okay, having gone through two interviews, those were the kind of questions that the panel will always ask you, it's like a compulsory questions. You have to prepare your answers to questions number 1,2, and 4. Question number 3 only applies if you are interviewing for courses that need you to know about current issues. As for Languages or Social Sciences courses, I think there will be another set of questions related to the courses.

I swear to God I did my worst in that interview that I was sure the interviewee would not be convinced to take me as her student (she's a lecturer in Public Relation and I chose to major in PR so it was a dumbstruck moment in my part hahaha).

To my utter surprise, at the end of the interview, she asked me this: "You know, aside from this faculty (in the main campus), we also had another campus in Melaka. Say, if we offer you a place in the Melaka campus, are you willing to take it?" to which I only said "Yes, Melaka is not that far anyway," with my business smile. Even if I don't want the course, I could not possibly said that to her, right? I would be an ungrateful little kid if I do that.

I asked my dad and he said that "Well, she was indirectly saying that you will get the offer, what's so hard to figure out?" and he suddenly rambled about how fortunate I was to be indirectly offered to both universities and said that he wished he could see how did I actually do in my interviews since both unis gave me positive signs LOL.

Two interviews down, two more to go! Sighs, this is tiring, really.

Until then, goodbye!


Anonymous said…
I think you definitely need to change your blog font, because it was so hsrd for me to read your articles. Make them more users friendly
Afiqah Jamros said…
Thank you so much for the comment! I didn't realize that the text was hard to read, I have already changed the theme and I hope you can read it better now! ^^
Unknown said…
Hi! Your post is really helpful!! But I was wondering if it is a must for my parents to be there with me ? I've been reading some blogs here and there and most mention that their parents are there with them.
Afiqah Jamros said…
Hello Pei Ern, it's not necessary for your parents to be there with you. You can just come alone since my friend also went alone to the interview. I hope this helped! :-)
Shikin said…
assalam fiqah. awak pakai baju kurung or apa masa interview tu ? thankies
Afiqah Jamros said…
Waalaikumsalam Shikin, saya pakai baju kurung je masa interview tu. Tapi ramai je yang pakai blaus paired with long skirt. I think as long as it looks formal, you can just wear it ^^ Good luck for your interview btw!

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