2016 iKONCERT Showtime Tour: Live in Malaysia
I have been a fan of the newly-debuted boy group under YG Entertainment, iKON since I first saw them in the reality show W.I.N: Who Is Next in 2013. I supported them when they were still Team B and when they lose the show to Team A (now named WINNER), I was devastated because I thought that Team B was really skilled even though they were still so young back then. They finally debuted in 2015 and as you can guess, I am a fan of them or what you call an iKONIC now!
So when they announced a tour in my country, I am extremely excited because hey, who wouldn't want to watch the group that they have supported for so long?
Fast forward to yesterday, my friend who initially bought a Rock Zone ticket (with a special pass to Soundcheck and Send off) sadly didn't get to come to the concert so I bought the ticket from her. Thus, my story about the concert will begin!
I arrived at the venue at about 3 p.m. since I wanted to redeem my soundcheck and send off passes and then gave the soundcheck one to my friend since I need to go to other places after that. But then I end up staying there since I met so many fansites that were having a fan sharing (giving out fans or banner of certain member) and I also end up buying Konbat (our official lightstick) when I said I wouldn't buy it LOL.
As I was walking aimlessly while opening my water bottle, I heard loud screams coming from the road and I looked to the road only to see three vans and I saw someone (Bobby or Hanbin, I think?) waving from inside the van and the fans that were waiting for the van immediately ran to chase after it before they were blocked by the RELA hahaha I calmly drank my water after that.
At that moment, I felt like maybe I am getting older... back in the days, I would scream like those fangirls did if I ever see their van but now I am more relaxed haha.
I met up with two members in iKONIC MY groupchat on Whatsapp (yes, we have that group) and we managed to search for iKON shirts together before they went to the LRT station to withdraw money and I decided to stay at the stadium since it was almost 6 p.m. and I also need to search for toilets before I go inside the stadium.
After finishing my business in the toilet, I saw a fansite of Yunhyeong handing out banners and I immediately went to the person to ask for one LOL
I actually think that my bias is Chanwoo, but on second thought, I like every single member so I can't really choose >.< I got so many banners and fan from Bobby's fansites though!
It was scorching hot outside the stadium that I felt like I could cook eggs on the road and it would be ready in no time! Not to mention that there were also so many people queueing up for God-knows-what, it made the place even hotter than it should be. So when one of the crews told me that the Rockzone holders can enter the stadium, I immediately went inside.
There's a queue number for Rockzone ticket holders but it seemed like they weren't even using it. If I knew that, I would've entered the stadium earlier.... the management was kinda bad but looking at how many people were there, I understand them. Maybe they had too many things to do and there's too little people? That's my guess.
Okay, so after bag-inspecting that happened around two times I finally get to enter the stadium and queuing up to enter our respective seats. I noticed that there was a cameraman recording us while we were going up the stairs to go to the seats so I kinda smiled and waved at the camera before entering the venue.
Now that I think about it, the camera might be for iKON's Showtime Days in Malaysia..... I hope my footage wouldn't make it to the video though, it's embarrassing LOL
Fast forward, the concert began sharply at 7.30 p.m. and I really applaud IME for that!
During the opening, I was standing behind two tall girls and as you can guess, I can only see their head... #shortpeopleproblems
The first song that they performed was 'Rhythm Ta' rock version and since they performed at the front stage, I couldn't see them that well but I waved my Konbat to the song anyways. The stage effects and the firecrackers really made me have goosebumps because it was extremely lit!!!
The second song was 'Dumb and Dumber' and since I wanted to enjoy the show, I didn't record it. I don't really remember what happened during the song but the Chinese girls in front of me suddenly offered me to go to the front since they saw that I was having difficulties in seeing iKON performing haha thank you so much to the girls, I'm glad I met kind and considerate fangirls instead of usual shitty ones I met in concerts T_T
So I was finally standing at the front but still behind a Japanese fan. Oh well, that's okay as long as I could see them. The Japanese fans were hogging the front line though, which made me think that they were a bit selfish since they probably met iKON lots of times already (iKON made tours in every cities in Japan, have fanmeets and stuff) and the thing was, they didn't even record anything!
It's okay, it's fine. As long as something bad didn't happen.
After 'Dumb and Dumber', they performed my favorite song, 'Sinosijak'! By the end of 'Dumb and Dumber' they were already at the main stage, so I could record them during 'Sinosijak'. The song was their song before debut and it's my ultimate favorite song after 'Airplane'.
When they stepped towards our side during the song, I couldn't control myself and screamed because they were so close to me after all these while watching them on my laptop screen! I couldn't believe my eyes at all when I see them in flesh right in front of me. All of them looked really good too so my fangirl side was being let out at that time haha.
The next song was 'My Type'. I didn't really like this song since it's all sweet and stuff but I really love the lyrics!
During the end for 'My Type', they were at the main stage so I recorded it. And during the beginning for the next song which was 'Today' (my favorite song), Bobby and Chanwoo stepped towards our side of stage and I tried getting Chanwoo's attention by staring at him and waved while he was waving at the fans behind me but I noticed Bobby glanced at my camera and narrowed his eyes a bit and looked at me before he waved and pointed at my camera with his charming smile. I waved back at him, of course.
Sadly, my camera was too shitty to capture that smile he sent me but it's recorded in my memory haha.
At that time, I don't even know who my bias was anymore. I was a fangirl of Bobby when he was in Show Me The Money 3 but it changed after iKON debuted... and now I think I'm coming back to be his fan....
The funny thing was, I was really calm despite the fact that he just noticed me despite me being short and standing behind a tall fan! If it were the 17-year old me, I would have just screamed and probably died on the spot LOL
The next stage was Bobby's solo, 'Go'. This song was the first song he performed on Show Me The Money 3 and I had it in my playlist since 2014! I really love the beat and since I wanted to fully immerse myself in the song, I didn't record it. His energy on stage was really on the top, he was running around the main and front stage while rapping all the while! I have always thought he had great stage presence and after seeing it live, I will never take back my words.
After that was B.I (or iKONICS love to call him Hanbin more) stage for his solo titled 'Be I'. He also performed this song on Show Me The Money 3, where he was eliminated afterward. Just like Bobby, he also had a strong stage presence but if I compare it to Bobby's, the older won for his stamina alone. Hanbin is calmer in his stage than Bobby though hahaha.
Next song was their duet, which was 'Anthem'. When the intro came out, everyone was singing along to it because just like the intro said, iKON is really coming to town! Their energy combined, and poof! You got an explosive stage!
After 'Anthem' was 'Apology' and I didn't record it because they were performing at the front stage. Then comes 'Airplane' and I also didn't record it to join the purple ocean as a fan project. I could see the purple ocean partly worked since there were lots of people who didn't turn off their Konbats, but still it's a success! 'Airplane' is my favorite song though, so I was sad because I couldn't record it.
The next song was 'Wait For Me' and they were having a short ment before moving on to the next song, 'M.U.P'. I couldn't really remember (more like too lazy to write) what they said during the ment, all I remember was it was along the line of them circling around Chanwoo when the boy said, "The next song is my favorite song" LOL at these dorks.
I was really impressed with their English though, I know that they mainly talked in English for their Southeast Asia Tour but the fact that they were trying to communicate with the fans in the language that they weren't all good with (except for Bobby and Donghyuk since they actually knew English) made me impressed.
They also threw in some Malay words like "Bagus" into the mix LOL I was reminded of Seungri when they kept saying "Bagus" for everything hahaha (for Seungri's part, please read my post about 2011 Korean Music Wave post for reference) I can't believe I stan these dorks.
After 'M.U.P' they performed 'I Miss You So Bad' and I couldn't really remember what happened during the stage since I was occupied with my shoes being stepped on by the Japanese fan in front of me -_-
Then after the song had finished, they went to backstage and a VCR of them discussing what songs they should cover at their concert came on. I didn't even watch it since I already watched it on YouTube lmao plus, I couldn't even see the screen anyways.
The music to 'Bang Bang Bang' played and I instantly get excited because I expected Junhwe and Hanbin to not wear shirt inside their fur coats like they did everywhere else (I'm a pervert, I know. I just want to see their abs in real time LOL) and my eyes actually fooled me into thinking Junhwe didn't wear any shirt inside the fur coat and I think I saw his abs...
Before I noticed in my recording that he was wearing a white shirt underneath the fur coat.
Them performing a Big Bang song is the closest I would ever see 'Bang Bang Bang' live since I haven't had the chance to see Big Bang performing their songs as 5 T_T
After that, it was time for Jinhwan's solo! He performed Gfriend's 'Me Gustas Tu' while wearing a white dress complete with leggings and wig hahaha I can totally say that he looked prettier than all of us, I saw him when he was stepping towards the main stage and I was fascinated at how pretty he looked!
His words during the ment before their cover for EXID's 'Up and Down' though;
He was running very 'gedik'ly around the stage hahahaha this cute piece of pumpkin!
Jinhwan: "Hello, I'm Jinhwan, I'm Jenny!" (fans screams) *deep groans* "No moreee"
He even said that he knows he's pretty lmao I'm not even surprised anymore hahaha. Then the other members came out from under the stage wearing skirts and wigs for 'Up and Down'! Their ment made me laugh the most! Since I'm too lazy to write it out, just search for the video on YouTube lmao
Junhwe was close to our side of stage and I was in awe at his prettiness goddamn how can he be prettier than me I'm so jealoussss!!! Even the way his dance to the song got me a heart attack due to how hot his body line plus his moves, God, I can talk about his dance moves FOREVER!
As you can tell, yes, Junhwe is my second bias after Chanwoo (or maybe he's the first, I don't even know anymore tbh)
In short, Junhwe wearing female clothes and dancing to provocative girl group dances kinda turns me on. Weird, I know. LOL I'm going to hell for saying that hahaha.
Next up was VCR for 'What's Wrong', which features the members being annoying boyfriends hahaha even though I have watched it so many times, I still found it funny because of how ridiculous they were being in the video! Especially Hanbin with his nagging machine (aka his mouth) LOL I can never get enough of that part. After the VCR, they came back on stage and performed 'What's Wrong'.
After 'What's Wrong' was 'Just Another Boy', a song of them during WIN which means that yes, this song is older than their debut song! It's also one of my favorites!
Then it was time for another ment because it was time for Isya' azan prayer if I'm not mistaken? I wasn't really sure since I didn't know the time then. Donghyuk was standing right in front of me after the ment while they were getting ready to sing another old song of them, 'Climax'.
One comment about Donghyuk though: If you ever think that he's a bit so-so in all the videos that you have watched and think that he's not that handsome compared to Junhwe or Chanwoo as example (yes, I am biased. Shut up), THINK AGAIN. His face and whole aura in real life was just... unexplainable with words.
One word for him though, he is EXTREMELY SEXY! I've only thought of him as cute when he smiles but when I saw him in front of me, his whole aura just screams masculine and sexy! Don't even get me to talk about his moves, I could talk about it the whole day if you ever ask me.
So, when 'Climax' finally started, I suddenly felt emotional because this was the song that made me cried 3 years ago and now I finally can watch it live right in front of my eyes. That moment felt ultimately unbelievable for me that I almost teared up (but I don't because I'm a big girl.)
I have been a fan of the newly-debuted boy group under YG Entertainment, iKON since I first saw them in the reality show W.I.N: Who Is Next in 2013. I supported them when they were still Team B and when they lose the show to Team A (now named WINNER), I was devastated because I thought that Team B was really skilled even though they were still so young back then. They finally debuted in 2015 and as you can guess, I am a fan of them or what you call an iKONIC now!
So when they announced a tour in my country, I am extremely excited because hey, who wouldn't want to watch the group that they have supported for so long?
Fast forward to yesterday, my friend who initially bought a Rock Zone ticket (with a special pass to Soundcheck and Send off) sadly didn't get to come to the concert so I bought the ticket from her. Thus, my story about the concert will begin!
I arrived at the venue at about 3 p.m. since I wanted to redeem my soundcheck and send off passes and then gave the soundcheck one to my friend since I need to go to other places after that. But then I end up staying there since I met so many fansites that were having a fan sharing (giving out fans or banner of certain member) and I also end up buying Konbat (our official lightstick) when I said I wouldn't buy it LOL.
As I was walking aimlessly while opening my water bottle, I heard loud screams coming from the road and I looked to the road only to see three vans and I saw someone (Bobby or Hanbin, I think?) waving from inside the van and the fans that were waiting for the van immediately ran to chase after it before they were blocked by the RELA hahaha I calmly drank my water after that.
At that moment, I felt like maybe I am getting older... back in the days, I would scream like those fangirls did if I ever see their van but now I am more relaxed haha.
I met up with two members in iKONIC MY groupchat on Whatsapp (yes, we have that group) and we managed to search for iKON shirts together before they went to the LRT station to withdraw money and I decided to stay at the stadium since it was almost 6 p.m. and I also need to search for toilets before I go inside the stadium.
After finishing my business in the toilet, I saw a fansite of Yunhyeong handing out banners and I immediately went to the person to ask for one LOL
I actually think that my bias is Chanwoo, but on second thought, I like every single member so I can't really choose >.< I got so many banners and fan from Bobby's fansites though!
It was scorching hot outside the stadium that I felt like I could cook eggs on the road and it would be ready in no time! Not to mention that there were also so many people queueing up for God-knows-what, it made the place even hotter than it should be. So when one of the crews told me that the Rockzone holders can enter the stadium, I immediately went inside.
There's a queue number for Rockzone ticket holders but it seemed like they weren't even using it. If I knew that, I would've entered the stadium earlier.... the management was kinda bad but looking at how many people were there, I understand them. Maybe they had too many things to do and there's too little people? That's my guess.
Okay, so after bag-inspecting that happened around two times I finally get to enter the stadium and queuing up to enter our respective seats. I noticed that there was a cameraman recording us while we were going up the stairs to go to the seats so I kinda smiled and waved at the camera before entering the venue.
Now that I think about it, the camera might be for iKON's Showtime Days in Malaysia..... I hope my footage wouldn't make it to the video though, it's embarrassing LOL
Fast forward, the concert began sharply at 7.30 p.m. and I really applaud IME for that!
During the opening, I was standing behind two tall girls and as you can guess, I can only see their head... #shortpeopleproblems
The first song that they performed was 'Rhythm Ta' rock version and since they performed at the front stage, I couldn't see them that well but I waved my Konbat to the song anyways. The stage effects and the firecrackers really made me have goosebumps because it was extremely lit!!!
The second song was 'Dumb and Dumber' and since I wanted to enjoy the show, I didn't record it. I don't really remember what happened during the song but the Chinese girls in front of me suddenly offered me to go to the front since they saw that I was having difficulties in seeing iKON performing haha thank you so much to the girls, I'm glad I met kind and considerate fangirls instead of usual shitty ones I met in concerts T_T
So I was finally standing at the front but still behind a Japanese fan. Oh well, that's okay as long as I could see them. The Japanese fans were hogging the front line though, which made me think that they were a bit selfish since they probably met iKON lots of times already (iKON made tours in every cities in Japan, have fanmeets and stuff) and the thing was, they didn't even record anything!
It's okay, it's fine. As long as something bad didn't happen.
After 'Dumb and Dumber', they performed my favorite song, 'Sinosijak'! By the end of 'Dumb and Dumber' they were already at the main stage, so I could record them during 'Sinosijak'. The song was their song before debut and it's my ultimate favorite song after 'Airplane'.
When they stepped towards our side during the song, I couldn't control myself and screamed because they were so close to me after all these while watching them on my laptop screen! I couldn't believe my eyes at all when I see them in flesh right in front of me. All of them looked really good too so my fangirl side was being let out at that time haha.
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The ending pose for 'Sinosijak' |
During the end for 'My Type', they were at the main stage so I recorded it. And during the beginning for the next song which was 'Today' (my favorite song), Bobby and Chanwoo stepped towards our side of stage and I tried getting Chanwoo's attention by staring at him and waved while he was waving at the fans behind me but I noticed Bobby glanced at my camera and narrowed his eyes a bit and looked at me before he waved and pointed at my camera with his charming smile. I waved back at him, of course.
Sadly, my camera was too shitty to capture that smile he sent me but it's recorded in my memory haha.
At that time, I don't even know who my bias was anymore. I was a fangirl of Bobby when he was in Show Me The Money 3 but it changed after iKON debuted... and now I think I'm coming back to be his fan....
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Bobby noticing my camera (+ baby Chanwoo waving at our side) |
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Bobby looking at my camera before he waved and point at my camera (which was super shaky) |
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My babe coming towards my camera! (+ Junhwe at the side) |
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My two favorite twin towers aka maknae-line! |
The funny thing was, I was really calm despite the fact that he just noticed me despite me being short and standing behind a tall fan! If it were the 17-year old me, I would have just screamed and probably died on the spot LOL
The next stage was Bobby's solo, 'Go'. This song was the first song he performed on Show Me The Money 3 and I had it in my playlist since 2014! I really love the beat and since I wanted to fully immerse myself in the song, I didn't record it. His energy on stage was really on the top, he was running around the main and front stage while rapping all the while! I have always thought he had great stage presence and after seeing it live, I will never take back my words.
After that was B.I (or iKONICS love to call him Hanbin more) stage for his solo titled 'Be I'. He also performed this song on Show Me The Money 3, where he was eliminated afterward. Just like Bobby, he also had a strong stage presence but if I compare it to Bobby's, the older won for his stamina alone. Hanbin is calmer in his stage than Bobby though hahaha.
Next song was their duet, which was 'Anthem'. When the intro came out, everyone was singing along to it because just like the intro said, iKON is really coming to town! Their energy combined, and poof! You got an explosive stage!
After 'Anthem' was 'Apology' and I didn't record it because they were performing at the front stage. Then comes 'Airplane' and I also didn't record it to join the purple ocean as a fan project. I could see the purple ocean partly worked since there were lots of people who didn't turn off their Konbats, but still it's a success! 'Airplane' is my favorite song though, so I was sad because I couldn't record it.
The next song was 'Wait For Me' and they were having a short ment before moving on to the next song, 'M.U.P'. I couldn't really remember (more like too lazy to write) what they said during the ment, all I remember was it was along the line of them circling around Chanwoo when the boy said, "The next song is my favorite song" LOL at these dorks.
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During 'Wait For Me' |
I was really impressed with their English though, I know that they mainly talked in English for their Southeast Asia Tour but the fact that they were trying to communicate with the fans in the language that they weren't all good with (except for Bobby and Donghyuk since they actually knew English) made me impressed.
They also threw in some Malay words like "Bagus" into the mix LOL I was reminded of Seungri when they kept saying "Bagus" for everything hahaha (for Seungri's part, please read my post about 2011 Korean Music Wave post for reference) I can't believe I stan these dorks.
After 'M.U.P' they performed 'I Miss You So Bad' and I couldn't really remember what happened during the stage since I was occupied with my shoes being stepped on by the Japanese fan in front of me -_-
Then after the song had finished, they went to backstage and a VCR of them discussing what songs they should cover at their concert came on. I didn't even watch it since I already watched it on YouTube lmao plus, I couldn't even see the screen anyways.
The music to 'Bang Bang Bang' played and I instantly get excited because I expected Junhwe and Hanbin to not wear shirt inside their fur coats like they did everywhere else (I'm a pervert, I know. I just want to see their abs in real time LOL) and my eyes actually fooled me into thinking Junhwe didn't wear any shirt inside the fur coat and I think I saw his abs...
Before I noticed in my recording that he was wearing a white shirt underneath the fur coat.
Them performing a Big Bang song is the closest I would ever see 'Bang Bang Bang' live since I haven't had the chance to see Big Bang performing their songs as 5 T_T
After that, it was time for Jinhwan's solo! He performed Gfriend's 'Me Gustas Tu' while wearing a white dress complete with leggings and wig hahaha I can totally say that he looked prettier than all of us, I saw him when he was stepping towards the main stage and I was fascinated at how pretty he looked!
His words during the ment before their cover for EXID's 'Up and Down' though;
He was running very 'gedik'ly around the stage hahahaha this cute piece of pumpkin!
Jinhwan: "Hello, I'm Jinhwan, I'm Jenny!" (fans screams) *deep groans* "No moreee"
He even said that he knows he's pretty lmao I'm not even surprised anymore hahaha. Then the other members came out from under the stage wearing skirts and wigs for 'Up and Down'! Their ment made me laugh the most! Since I'm too lazy to write it out, just search for the video on YouTube lmao
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Koo Junhwe being the sass queen himself LOL |
As you can tell, yes, Junhwe is my second bias after Chanwoo (or maybe he's the first, I don't even know anymore tbh)
In short, Junhwe wearing female clothes and dancing to provocative girl group dances kinda turns me on. Weird, I know. LOL I'm going to hell for saying that hahaha.
Next up was VCR for 'What's Wrong', which features the members being annoying boyfriends hahaha even though I have watched it so many times, I still found it funny because of how ridiculous they were being in the video! Especially Hanbin with his nagging machine (aka his mouth) LOL I can never get enough of that part. After the VCR, they came back on stage and performed 'What's Wrong'.
After 'What's Wrong' was 'Just Another Boy', a song of them during WIN which means that yes, this song is older than their debut song! It's also one of my favorites!
Then it was time for another ment because it was time for Isya' azan prayer if I'm not mistaken? I wasn't really sure since I didn't know the time then. Donghyuk was standing right in front of me after the ment while they were getting ready to sing another old song of them, 'Climax'.
One comment about Donghyuk though: If you ever think that he's a bit so-so in all the videos that you have watched and think that he's not that handsome compared to Junhwe or Chanwoo as example (yes, I am biased. Shut up), THINK AGAIN. His face and whole aura in real life was just... unexplainable with words.
One word for him though, he is EXTREMELY SEXY! I've only thought of him as cute when he smiles but when I saw him in front of me, his whole aura just screams masculine and sexy! Don't even get me to talk about his moves, I could talk about it the whole day if you ever ask me.
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Hanbin was really sweet during the song though, he walked around aimlessly towards our side and suddenly blowing out kisses at us and also shot us a heart! Aigoo, this leader-nim always makes me feel like a proud mother. /wipes tears/
After the song, they went to backstage once again and not long after, they performed 'Long Time No See', my ultimate all-time favorite after 'Airplane' and 'Just Another Boy'! I only managed to record a little bit of the performance because I wanted to raise the handbanner that were given to us when we were entering the hall. The handbanner had "We will always be with you" written in Korean (I can understand Korean so don't ask me how did I know what it meant haha). At first, I was the only one in my zone who raised the handbanner before the others joined along with me.
I managed to see Donghyuk looking at our zone and saw almost everyone in the hall raised the handbanner before his expression changed. He looked really touched and he had this thankful smile on his face as he watched all of us raising the handbanner! Even Hanbin also looked really touched by it!
They then stopped the song for a few seconds before Jinhwan said, "Wow... Malaysian iKONICs, I will always be by your side forever" and Hanbin continued, "iKONIC is my life! Bagus!" The bagus part cracked me up, but that doesn't change the fact that the fan project was a success! I felt really happy by their reaction, especially Donghyuk because he looked really touched by it.
I can't wait to see their Showtime Days just to know what they really think about the project.
After the song, they began to walk towards the main stage and voila! Yunhyeong chose to stand in front of me hahaha it was then that I get to see his face properly. I have always thought Yunhyeong was quite handsome, but I've always thought that he looked too skinny for my taste. Well well, I now changed my opinion.
Song Yunhyeong in real life is extremely beautiful and handsome and attractive! And he's not too skinny like he did on camera! I actually gaped a bit when he stood in front of me because he is really handsome! In my honest opinion, the most handsome member in real life is Yunhyeong, and Chanwoo is right after him.
They sang '#WYD' or 'Oneul Mwohae' in Korean, which means "What are you doing". This song is their newest song by the way, so we were really excited when we knew that they would perform it here since they didn't perform it before except in Singapore back in July.
I was recording Yunhyeong and also Bobby, Hanbin, June and Chanwoo getting all crazy on the other side of the stage (they were jumping here and there like the stage was some trampoline or something, crazy kids -_-') when I noticed a flying towel from my left side and voila! there was Donghyuk trying to throw a towel towards us hahaha but sadly, the guard caught the towel instead... I was this close to getting a new towel T_T. He looked adorable with his lost expression though, the guard told him that he wasn't allowed to throw anything towards the fans (gdi guards, just let them do some sort of fanservice at the very least!) and he walked towards June and probably June told him about what the guard said before Donghyuk nodded.
Before I knew it, even Donghyuk was jumping around the main stage and joined along with the other idiots (I call them idiots because I adore them, please don't misunderstand).... why did I even stan these kids....
When they said that it was the last song, I felt extremely sad... I wanted to see more since it felt really short! I'll be waiting for their next concert in Malaysia, so they better come when I have money to spend on them!
After the concert, I immediately power-walked outside the hall to go to the send off party. My legs felt all wobbly when I finally got out of the hall though, so you can imagine how painful the power-walking I did.
I expected the send off to be like the one in Big Bang's MADE last year (I saw it on YouTube) but it was... devastating.
The only good thing was that I called out Bobby's name since he was closer to us and he replied with a "What's up" gesture while looking at us with his smile. Oh, and also Yunhyeong who got into the wrong van lmao. He looked even more handsome off stage! Bobby's makeup looked really thick off stage though, I don't understand why he wore that much makeup when he looked better without it anyways haha
The other members just looked like they just wanted to go back to their hotel and lie down. Which I understand, it must be really tiring for them. They had recording for The Remix the day before they came here, so it must be extremely exhausting for them.
In short, 13 August 2016 is a date that I will never forget; it was the day I finally fulfilled the promise I made to myself when iKON first debuted, and also I can say to myself that I will always support them now and in the future.
I knew they had talents pouring out of them, waiting to be unleashed during WIN, and now they had prove it to be right. They still have a long way ahead of them so as a fan, I can only hope that they would be even more successful than they are now and for them to never forget their roots.
Get Ready, Showtime!
Until then, goodbye!
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Hanbin giving out a big heart, "ajae" style hahaha *"ajae" means old-people* |
I managed to see Donghyuk looking at our zone and saw almost everyone in the hall raised the handbanner before his expression changed. He looked really touched and he had this thankful smile on his face as he watched all of us raising the handbanner! Even Hanbin also looked really touched by it!
They then stopped the song for a few seconds before Jinhwan said, "Wow... Malaysian iKONICs, I will always be by your side forever" and Hanbin continued, "iKONIC is my life! Bagus!" The bagus part cracked me up, but that doesn't change the fact that the fan project was a success! I felt really happy by their reaction, especially Donghyuk because he looked really touched by it.
I can't wait to see their Showtime Days just to know what they really think about the project.
After the song, they began to walk towards the main stage and voila! Yunhyeong chose to stand in front of me hahaha it was then that I get to see his face properly. I have always thought Yunhyeong was quite handsome, but I've always thought that he looked too skinny for my taste. Well well, I now changed my opinion.
Song Yunhyeong in real life is extremely beautiful and handsome and attractive! And he's not too skinny like he did on camera! I actually gaped a bit when he stood in front of me because he is really handsome! In my honest opinion, the most handsome member in real life is Yunhyeong, and Chanwoo is right after him.
They sang '#WYD' or 'Oneul Mwohae' in Korean, which means "What are you doing". This song is their newest song by the way, so we were really excited when we knew that they would perform it here since they didn't perform it before except in Singapore back in July.
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Yunhyeong looking fineeee oneul mwohae |
I was recording Yunhyeong and also Bobby, Hanbin, June and Chanwoo getting all crazy on the other side of the stage (they were jumping here and there like the stage was some trampoline or something, crazy kids -_-') when I noticed a flying towel from my left side and voila! there was Donghyuk trying to throw a towel towards us hahaha but sadly, the guard caught the towel instead... I was this close to getting a new towel T_T. He looked adorable with his lost expression though, the guard told him that he wasn't allowed to throw anything towards the fans (gdi guards, just let them do some sort of fanservice at the very least!) and he walked towards June and probably June told him about what the guard said before Donghyuk nodded.
Before I knew it, even Donghyuk was jumping around the main stage and joined along with the other idiots (I call them idiots because I adore them, please don't misunderstand).... why did I even stan these kids....
When they said that it was the last song, I felt extremely sad... I wanted to see more since it felt really short! I'll be waiting for their next concert in Malaysia, so they better come when I have money to spend on them!
After the concert, I immediately power-walked outside the hall to go to the send off party. My legs felt all wobbly when I finally got out of the hall though, so you can imagine how painful the power-walking I did.
I expected the send off to be like the one in Big Bang's MADE last year (I saw it on YouTube) but it was... devastating.
The only good thing was that I called out Bobby's name since he was closer to us and he replied with a "What's up" gesture while looking at us with his smile. Oh, and also Yunhyeong who got into the wrong van lmao. He looked even more handsome off stage! Bobby's makeup looked really thick off stage though, I don't understand why he wore that much makeup when he looked better without it anyways haha
The other members just looked like they just wanted to go back to their hotel and lie down. Which I understand, it must be really tiring for them. They had recording for The Remix the day before they came here, so it must be extremely exhausting for them.
In short, 13 August 2016 is a date that I will never forget; it was the day I finally fulfilled the promise I made to myself when iKON first debuted, and also I can say to myself that I will always support them now and in the future.
I knew they had talents pouring out of them, waiting to be unleashed during WIN, and now they had prove it to be right. They still have a long way ahead of them so as a fan, I can only hope that they would be even more successful than they are now and for them to never forget their roots.
Get Ready, Showtime!
Until then, goodbye!